Gina Miller, à l’origine du jugement éponyme de la Cour suprême du 24 janvier 2017 sur le Brexit, est le fer de lance des anti Brexit au Royaume-Uni. Actuellement attentive au recours devant le Tribunal de l’Union européenne dont la recevabilité sera examinée le 5 juillet (1), elle écrit pour l’Observatoire cet éditorial engagé contre le Gouvernement de Mme May qui a dû accepter un compromis avec les conservateurs pro-européens sur l’issue des négociations avec l’UE pour éviter une défaite cuisante aux Communes sur ce point.
Time to Take Back Control of Brexit!
Even though the government’s compromise on Dominic Grieve’s meaningful vote amendment today lessens the chances of Brexit spiraling out of control; there is still a long way to go before we can have confidence that the Brexit shambles won’t continue.
Theresa May originally said MPs would have a take-it-or-leave-it vote when she finished her Brexit negotiations. If they didn’t like her deal, we would crash out with no deal at all. And if she didn’t manage to do a deal in the first place, we’d also crash out. This was an utter insult to democracy.
What I am skeptical about is that so many of the promises that were made during the Referendum and since have already been broken. It has been embarrassing to watch how the Government have been negotiating our exit from the EU, and both main political parties appear more interested in fighting amongst themselves than fighting for our future. Can you imagine a company being run the way this country is being run!
This is why I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that whilst there are principled MPs such as Dr. Phillip Lee who wrote in his resignation letter today:
‘Resigning as a minister from the Government is a very difficult decision because it goes against every grain in my soul. The very word resign conveys a sense of giving up, but that is the last thing I will do. I take public service seriously and responsibly. That is the spirit that has always guided me as a doctor and continues to guide me as a politician.
For me, resigning is a last resort – not something that I want to do but something I feel I must do because, for me, such a serious principle is being breached that I would find it hard to live with myself afterwards if I let it pass.’
there are not enough MPs willing to put country before party and career. That is why I believe it is now time that we, the people, took back control.
Today was also the day that MPs on the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee Select Committee heard the following from the main protagonists in Leave.EU:
Arron Banks – “We were not above using alternative methods to punch home our message, or lead people up the garden path if we had to.”
Director of Communications Andy Wigmore, added that referenda are “not about facts”. He told MPs that they received advice from American political strategy firm Goddard Gunster that – “The piece of advice we got right from the beginning was remember referendum are not about facts, it’s about emotion. It doesn’t matter how many facts you throw at them, it’s white noise to people because people are voting on something they believe and feel emotionally.”
In view of these revelations, don’t the good people of Britain deserve a clean vote, on the real options to draw a line under Brexit and bring their country back together?
With only six months left on the clock, and in view of the above, it is time for Brexit to be taken out of Parliament, offline and onto the streets.
Gina Miller
NB : Bien que notre site soit principalement consulté par des francophones ou des Britanniques résidant en France, nous relayons l’appel à manifestation de Gina Miller le 23 juin prochain. Il pourrait intéresser certains de nos lecteurs :
“Watch my video message here, share with as many peoples as possible, and join me and thousands of others from across the country on June 23rd, 12.00 on Pall Mall and march to Parliament Square to demand a People’s Vote on the final options – whatever you voted in the Referendum in 2016.”
Together, we can decide the future of our country. I look forward to seeing you there!”
(1) Nous en profitons pour remercier Me Julien Fouchet de nous tenir constamment informés des recours en instance devant le TUE relatifs au Brexit. Le premier recours a été rejeté le 12 juin.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Aurélien Antoine (13 juin 2018). L’édito de Gina Miller : “Il est temps de reprendre le contrôle sur le Brexit !” OBSERVATOIRE DU BREXIT. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse