Bibliographie mise à jour par Aurélien Antoine. Sélection d’ouvrages en anglais et en français depuis juillet 2016.
Sciences sociales autres que le droit
A. Alli, Brexit and Liberal Democracy, Routledge, 2022, 158 p.
D. Allen Green, Brexit. What Everyone Needs to Know, OUP, 2017, 208 p.
A. Antoine, Le Brexit. Une histoire anglaise, Dalloz, 2020, coll. Les sens du droit, 440 p.
A. Antoine, A. Blick, G. Gadbin-George, E. Gibson-Morgan (dir.), Constitutions under Pressure: France and the United Kingdom at the Age of Populism and Brexit, Société de législation comparée, 2021, 222 p.
K. Alexander, C. Barnard, Brexit and Financial Services: Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, 2018, 240 p.
N. Archer,
D. Bailey, L. Budd (dir.), The Political Economy of Brexit, Colombia University Press, 2017.
D. Bailey, L. Budd (dir.), The Political Economy of Brexit, Colombia University Press, 2017.
G. Baldini, E. Bressanelli, E. Massetti, The Brexit Effect. What Leaving the EU Means for British Politics, Routledge, 2023, 232 p.
T. Bale, The Conservative Party after Brexit, Polity, 2023, 368 p.
J. M. Black, A History of Britain. 1945 to Brexit, Indian University Press, 2017, 276 p.
M. Beech, S. Lee, Conservative Governments in the Age of Brexit, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 344 p.
M. Bevir, M. Beech, Interpreting Brexit, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, 104 p.
A. Blick, Stretching the Constitution. The Brexit shock in historic perspective, Hart Publishing, 2019, 359 p.
V. Bogdanor, Beyond Brexit: Towards a British Constitution, I. B. Tauris, 2019, 304 p.
V. Bogdanor,
A. Bongardt, L. S. Talani, F. Torres (dir.), The Politics and Economics of Brexit, Routledge, 2020, 240 p.
N. Bordeau, D.-X. Weiss, Brexit, et après ?, Bart & Jones Publishers, 2016, 124 p.
R. Buckle, T. Hewish, R. Oulds, Brexit: Directions for Britain Outside the EU, Institute of Economic Affairs, 2015, (disponible en ligne :
H. Carrapico, A. Niehuss, C. Berthélémy (dir.), Brexit and Internal Security: Political and Legal Concerns on the Future UK-EU Relationship, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 181 p.
N. F. Campos, F. Coricelli, The Economics of UK-EU Relations: From the Treaty of Rome to the Vote for Brexit, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 312 p.
N. Chaban, A. Niemann, J. Speyer (dir.), Changing Perceptions of the EU at Times of Brexit: Global Perspective, Routledge, 2020, 336 p.
P. Chilton, Brexitspeak, CUP, 2024, 230 p.
J.-L. Clergerie, L’impasse du Brexit, Editions du Temps présent, 2019, 135 p.
F. Cochrane,
T. Connelly,
H. D. Clarke, M. Goodwin, P. Whiteley, Brexit: Why Britain Voted to Leave the European Union?, CUP, 2017, 250 p.
J. Creel (dir.), L’économie européenne, OFCE La découverte, 2017.
Ph. Cunliffe, G. Hoare, L. Jones, P. Ramsay, Taking Control: Sovereignty and Democracy after Brexit, Polity, 240 p.
N. Da Costa Cabral, J. R. Gonçalves, N. C. Rodrigues (dir.), After Brexit: Consequences for the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 456 p.
S. Davies, The Economics and Politics of Brexit. The Realignment of British Politics, American Institute for Economic Research, 2020, 193 p.
P. Diamond, P. Nedergaard, B. Rosamond (dir.), The Routledge handbook on the politics of Brexit, Routledge, 2018, 324 p.
M. Dougan, The UK After Brexit, Intersentia, 2017, 300 p.
S. Duke, Will Brexit Damage our Security and Defence?, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 102 p.
I. Dunt, Brexit: What the Hell Happens Now? The Facts About Britain’s Bitter Divorce from Europe, Canbury Press, 2016, 192 p.
A. Fagan, S. Van Kessel, The Failure of Remain: Anti-Brexit Activism in the United Kingdom, McGill University Press, 2023, 208 p.
Fondation « Ceci n’est pas une crise », Brexit : le « Non » britannique décrypté, La Renaissance du livre, 2016, 100 p.
N. Fontaine, F. Poulet-Mathis, Brexit : Une chance ?, Auteurs Du Monde, 2016, 256 p.
J. E. Fossum, C. Lord, Handbook on the European Union and Brexit, Elgar Press, 2023, 540 p.
A. Glencross, Why the UK Voted for Brexit : David Cameron’s Great Miscalculation, Palgrave MacMillan, 2016, 82 p.
D. Grisay (dir.), Brexit : Enjeux et perspectives politiques, économiques et juridiques, Larcier, 2017, 85 p.
S. Green, Brexit and the British, Haus Publishing, 2017, 60 p.
I. Habermann (dri.), The road to Brexit: A cultural perspective on British attitudes to Europe, Manchester University Press, 2022, 274 p.
S. Haseler, Britain Alone. Brexit and the Crisis of English Identity, Forumpress, 2017, 270 p.
G. Hassan, R. Gunson, Scotland, the UK and Brexit: A Guide to the Future, Luath Press, 2017, 224 p.
B. Heuser, Brexit in History : Sovereignty or a European Union ?, Hurst Publ., 2019, 206 p.
D. W.F. Huang, M. Reilly, The implications of Brexit for East-Asia, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, 2018, 208 p.
B. M. Hugues,
F. B. Jacobs, The EU after Brexit. Institutional and Policy Implications, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 142 p.
R. Johnson, J. Haaland Matlary, The United Kingdom’s defense after Brexit, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 261 p.
M. Kelly, Languages after Brexit. How the UK Speaks to the World, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 271 p.
N. Kirk, British Society and its Three Crises: From 1970s Globalization, to the Financial Crash of 2007-8 and the Onset of Brexit in 2016, Liverpool University Press, 2024, 208 p.
C. Koegler, P. K. Malreddy, M. Tronicke (dir.), Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains, Routledge, 2021, 148 p.
V. Koller e. a., Discourses of Brexit, Routledge, 2019, 266 p.
R. Liddle, The Risk of Brexit: The Politics of a Referendum, 2015 (disponible à l’adresse :
S. Loussouarn, Brexit and its Aftermath, Bloomsbury publ., 2022, 232 p.
D. Mac Giolla Chríost, M. Bonotti, Brexit, Language Policy and Linguistic Diversity, Palgrave Pivot, 2018, 84 p.
L. McGowan, Preparing for Brexit. Actors, Negociations, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 133 p.
D. MacShane, Brexit: How Britain Left Europe, I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2016, 272 p.
B. Martill, U. Staiger (dir.), Brexit and Beyond: Rethinking the Futures of Europe, UCL Press, 2018, 312 p.
J. McConalogue, The British Constitution Resettled: Parliamentary Sovereignty Before and After Brexit, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 308 p.
P. Mindus, European Citizenship after Brexit. Freedom of Movement and Rights of Residence, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 123 p.
J. Morgan, H. Patomaki, Brexit and the Political Economy of Fragmentation: Things Fall Apart (Rethinking Globalizations), Routledge, 2017, 154 p.
J. Morphet, Beyond Brexit ? How to Assess the UK’s Future, Policy Press, 2017, 128 p.
M. C. Murphy, Europe and Nothern Ireland’s Future, Negotiating Brexit’s Unique Case, Agenda Publishing, Columbia University Press, 2018, 192 p.
C. Oliver, Unleashing Demons : The Inside Story of Brexit, Hodder & Stoughton, 2016, 448 p.
T. Oliver, Europe’s Brexit, Agenda Publishing, Columbia University Press, 2018, 256 p.
A. O’Neill, After Brexit: Future Trade Relations between the UK and the European Union, Hart, 2021, 512 p.
F. O’Toole,
A. Ridge-Newman, F. León-Solís, Hugh O’Donnell, Reporting the Road to Brexit. International Media and the EU Referendum 2016, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 362 p.
J. Ringeisen-Biardeaud, L’indépendance écossaise à l’ombre du Brexit, Éditions Panthéon-Assas, coll. Essais, 2022, 350 p.
K. O’Rourke, Une brève histoire du Brexit, Odile Jacob, 2018, 304 p.
W. Outhwaite, Brexit. Sociological Responses, Anthem Press, 2017, 224 p.
G. Reinke, T. Levermann, Brexit: A Political Crisis for Europe: Impact Assessment and Lessons Learnt for the European Union, Gold Rush Publishing, 2017, 364 p.
J. Richardson, British Policy – Making and the Need for a Post-Brexit Policy Style, Palgrave Pivot, 2018, 83 p.
I. Rogers, 9 Lessons in Brexit, Short Books, 2019, 96 p.
R. Rose, How Referendums Challenge European Democracy: Brexit and Beyond, Routledge, 2020, 236 p.
M. Russell, L. James, The Parliamentary Battle over Brexit, OUP, 2023, 416 p.
J. Santos Vara, R. A. Wessel, P. R. Pollak (dir.),
T. Shipman, All out War : The Full Story of How Brexit Sank Britain’s Political Class, William Collins, 2016, 688 p.
P. Schnapper, E. Avril, Où va le Royaume-Uni. Le Brexit et après, Odile Jacob, 2019, 272 p.
M. Sobolewska, R. Ford (dir.), Brexitland Identity, Diversity and the Reshaping of British Politics, CUP, 2020 408 p.
F. Tekin, Brexit or No Brexit? Political and Institutional Implications of an EU without the UK, Instituto Affari Internazionali (disponible à l’adresse :
T. Tudoroiu, Brexit, President Trump, and the Changing Geopolitics of Eastern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 291 p.
P. J. J. Welfens, An accidental Brexit. New EU and Transatlantic Economic Perspectives, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 447 p.
A. Williamson, Europe and the decline of social democracy in Britain: from Attlee to Brexit, Woodbridge, 2019, 368 p.
P. Whiteley, H. Clarke, M. Goodwin, M. C. Stewart, Brexit Britain. The Consequences of the Vote to Leave the European Union, CUP, 2023, 354 p.
P. Whyman, A. I., Petrescu, The Economics of Brexit. A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the UK’s Economic Relationship with the E.U., Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 384 p. (rééd. 2021).
F. Zappettini, M. Krzyżanowski (dir.), “Brexit” as a Social and Political Crisis, Routledge, 2023, 122 p.
C. Abbot, M. Lee, Environmental Groups and Legal Expertise: Shaping the Brexit process, UCL Press, 2021, 195 p. (
A. Antoine, Droit constitutionnel britannique, LGDJ, coll. Systèmes, 2e éd., 2018, 206 p.
A. Antoine, Le Brexit. Une histoire anglaise, Dalloz, 2020, coll. Les sens du droit, 440 p.
K. A. Armstrong, Brexit Time. Leaving the EU – Why, How and When?, CUP, 2017, 286 p.
Ch. Bahurel, E. Bernard, M. Ho-Dac, Le Brexit : Enjeux régionaux, nationaux et internationaux, Bruylant, 2017, 388 p.
V. Barbé, Ch. Koumpli (dir.), Brexit, droit et libertés, Larcier, 2022, 384 p.
P. Birkinshaw, European Public Law. The Achievement and the Brexit Challenge, Wolters Kluwer, 3rd ed., 2020, 876 p.
P. Birkinshaw, A. Biondi, M. Kendrick (dir.), Brexit. The Legal Implications, Wolters Kluwer, 2016, 376 p.
T. Christiansen, D. Fromage (dir.), Brexit and Democracy. The Role of Parliaments in the UK and the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 323 p.
Dalloz, Brexit : une sortie aux issues incertaines, 2016, compilation de plusieurs articles parus dans les revues Dalloz (disponible en ligne :
M. Dougan, The UK’s Withdrawal from the EU: A Legal Analysis, OUP, 2021, 400 p.
S. Douglas-Scott, Brexit, Union, and Disunion, CUP, 2023, 376 p.
O. Doyle, A. McHarg, J. Murkens, The Brexit Challenge for Ireland and the United Kingdom. Constitutions under Pressure, CUP, 2021, 338 p.
M. Elliott, J. Williams, A. Young (dir.), The UK Constitution after Miller. Brexit and Beyond, Hart, 2020, p. 328.
F. Fabbrini (dir.), The Law and Politics of Brexit, Vol. I, OUP, 2017, 304 p.
F. Fabbrini (dir.), The Law and Politics of Brexit, The Withdrawal Agreement, Vol. II, OUP, 2020, 336 p.
F. Fabbrini,
F. Fabbrini (dir.), The Law and Politics of Brexit, The Framework of New EU-UK Relations, Vol. III, OUP, 2021, 336 p.
F. Fabbrini (dir.), The Law and Politics of Brexit, The Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland, Vol. IV, OUP, 2022, 320 p.
F. Fabbrini (dir.), The Law and Politices of Brexit, The Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Vol. V, OUP, 2024, 269 p.
O. E. Fitzgerald, E. Lein, Complexity’s Embrace: The International Law Implications of Brexit, CIGI Press, 2018, 352 p.
G. Gee, L. Rubini, M. Trybus, Leaving the EU ? The Legal Impact of « Brexit » on the United Kingdom, Institute of European Law, 2016, 76 p. (Disponible en ligne sur le site internet de l’Université de Birmingham :
R. Gordon, R. Moffatt, Brexit: The Immediate Legal Consequences, The Constitution Society, 2016.
E. Guild, Brexit and its Consequences for UK and EU Citizenship or Monstrous Citizenship, Brill, 2017, 89 p.
A. Harcourt, Brexit and the Digital Single Market, OUP, 2023, 288 p.
J. Herbst, S. Lovegrove, Brexit and Financial Regulation, OUP, 2019, 480 p.
J. Hillman, G. Horlick, Legal Aspects of Brexit: Implications of the United Kingdom’s Decision to Withdraw from the European Union, Institute of International Economic Law, 2017, 440 p.
R. Humprheys, Beyond the Border: The Good Friday Agreement and Irish Unity after Brexit, Merrion Press, 2018, 250 p.
J. A. Kämmerer, H.B. Schäfer (dir.), Legal and Economic Aspects of a Political Divorce, Elgar Press, 2021, 232 p.
A. Kern, C. Barnard, E. Ferran, A. Lang, N. Moloney, Brexit and Financial Services : Law and Policy, Hart Publishing, 2018, 240 p.
B. Laffan, S. Telle, The EU’s Response to Brexit: United and Effective, Springer, 2023, 285 p.
A. Lazowki, I. Franko (dir.), Research Handbook on Legal Aspects of Brexit, Elgar Press, 2022, 590 p.
C. Maddox, Brexit and Procurement Law, Rutledge, London, 2019, 91 p.
J.-G. Mahinga, Le règlement des différends dans les accords entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Union européenne, Legitech, 2022, 248 p.
P. Mindus, European Citizenship After Brexit: Freedom of Movement and Rights of Residence, Springer International Publishing, 2017, 76 p.
S. Peers, The Brexit: The Legal Framework for Withdrawal from the EU or Renegotiation of EU Membership, Hart Publishing, 2017, 240 p.
S. Peers, Brexit. What happens next ?, Hart publ., 2022, 240 p.
D. Ramiro Troitiño, T. Kerikmäe, A. Chochia, Brexit. History, Reasoning and Perspectives, Springer International Publishing, 2018, 283 p.
M. Sacco, Brexit: A way forward, Vernon Press, 2019, 397 p.
H. Tse, Doing Business Post-Brexit. A Practical Guide to the Legal Changes, Bloomsbury Publishing PLC, 2017, 200 p.
J. Walulik, Brexit and Aviation Law, Routledge, London, 2018, 144 p.
L. C. Whitten, Brexit and the Northern Ireland Constitution, OUP, 2023, 336 p.
G. Wilson, Constitutional Reform and Brexit, Routledge, 2023, 240 p.
A. Young, Unchecked Power? How Recent Constitutional Reforms are Threatening UK Democracy, Bristol University Press, 2024, 240 p.